It's been awhile, I know. I have officially fallen off of the blog wagon... But now it's February and I feel recharged and inspired after a January filled with both decompressing and dealing with all of the personal and business stuff that I neglected over the busy months of November and December. I planned a "design retreat" / artist residency for the beginning of February at the Sou'Wester Lodge on the coast when I was there in January celebrating the New Year and now I am here! Got in last night after spending two excellent nights with a bunch of folks in Seaside Oregon (also on the coast - see below) serious food/fun/friend extravaganza.. I'm STILL full. damn. It was a beautiful sunny day when I arrived in Seaside. Got to catch the sunset on the beach... something I'll never get sick of...
Said goodbye and hit the road yesterday around 2... stopped at a crappy thrift store and the grocery store then drove a 1/2 hour north to my final destination of the Sou'Wester Lodge which sits on the Long Beach Peninsula in Seaview WA. About to embark on a week long design residency there.. super exicted! (Continues on my next post here)