These are some images from a newly acquired book by Leah Gordon: Kanaval. The images were taken during Mardi Gras in Haiti over several years time. I originally saw some of these photos exhibited in New Orleans, and fell in love with the mystery and magic and the innovativeness of these personas and costumes and immediately wanted to know what they meant.
"The mirror is the metaphor for the cosmography of Haitian myth... where enigmatic creatures exist in mirrored opposition to the visible world"
The mirror as symbol and tool keeps coming up for me lately. I'm trying to understand it and learn from it.
Last week, I watched an amazing documentary called Buck. A dude that works with and understands horses on a level that is so intuitive and unbelievable... you kind of just have to see it. He talks about how "your horse is a mirror to your soul. Sometimes you may not like what you see.. Sometimes you will." It's so true about so many things in our lives... the good, the bad and the ugly. It's all just a mirror.